Monday, April 11, 2011

I Zerbert You!

Tim and I have recently discovered The Cosby Show on Netflix because all of our friends started watching it. I never watched it as a kid or teenager or anything so this is all new television to me and I love it! Turns out, Bill Cosby is HILARIOUS! My favorite line in the show is when they say, "I zerbert you!" Tonight I was playing with Juliet and I just kept giving her raspberries and saying that, and she just thought I was so funny! She was giggling and rolling around and just kept waiting for more. I love doing things like that that make her life because she sure is difficult these days! How do you discipline a one year old?! Any suggestions will be appreciated because I just feel like she really still doesn't understand that much, but at the same time I don't want to underestimate how much she really knows. But do time outs or anything else work on a one year old? It doesn't help that she is getting stronger and doesn't want me to hold her when I say no, and also that I'm pregnant and don't want to hold her when she's upset because she's heavy! Right now I'll take anything and just try to keep her as happy as I can!

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