Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Why I Love (and Hate) Being Pregnant

I just wanted to write down real quick all the reasons why I love (and hate) being pregnant! I'm terrible at journal writing so hopefully I'll remember these for next time so I can be prepared!

  • Feeling the baby kick
  • Seeing the ultrasounds
  • Tim always treats me super super nice when I'm pregnant (he does all the time anyway :)
  • Tim says I look super cute when I'm pregnant
  • I have an excuse to go to the bathroom all the time
  • My morning sickness doesn't last too long and I don't vomit very often
  • Teaching Juliet to say "baby"
  • Watching my stomach move
  • Stretchy pants and big comfy shirts
  • I always get a seat
  • People always talk to you when you are pregnant. Even when you think you don't look pregnant yet hahaha
  • Baby shopping
  • My hair grows faster
  • I don't swell up
  • "Expectant Mother's" parking
  • I always get fun cravings like candy and hamburgers
  • Tim gets more sappy and cute about baby things when I'm pregnant
  • You get a baby!
  • Hot. A lot.
  • Can't sleep
  • That fat stage where people don't know if you're pregnant or fat
  • Stretch marks
  • I have to go to the bathroom all the time
  • Tired. A lot.
  • Nauseous (not that I have much to complain about compared to some)
  • I cry ALL THE TIME, but mostly just in the first trimester
  • I want fast food late at night when nothing is open
  • Tim's never been pregnant. I hate that sometimes hahaha.
  • Pains that come with being pregnant and from very hard kicks
  • Charlie horses in my calves in the middle of the night
  • How my hair falls out a ton after the baby is born
I'd say that the good things definitely outweigh the bad, and at least I don't get super sick or have high risk pregnancies. Most of the time I really enjoy being pregnant and I'm very excited to have our new little baby soon! 8 more weeks!


  1. So true! I would have to add Rhogam shots to my list of dislikes though! Good luck through your last months!!

  2. I have the same problem with hair falling out and charlie horses. Also, I already feel like a blimp and I'm only 21 weeks. I think this is a bad sign. At least we get a baby in the end, right?

  3. I loved feeling the baby move, but that one item has nothing to do with pregnancy. hahaha

  4. Even though I had a pretty great pregnancy...I am LOVING not being pregnant anymore! =D I was ready to be done!

  5. I love how everyone talks to me when I am pregnant too! It's weird, and you don't understand until you are prego and the whole world wants to be your friend! lol
