Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Last night I decided that I was tired of rocking Juliet to sleep and that she was feeling better so I was just going to let her cry it out. After I put her in her crib and she started crying I went downstairs to get this stuffed toy that she likes as a comfort object. I went back in and there she was standing and holding the rails like she was in prison. I was impressed with her skills and she was just so darn cute, so I turned on the light and got Marla so she could see. As soon as Grandma walked in Juliet started waving and smiling like she was so proud of herself. We tried to take a picture but she sat down and didn't seem too interested in getting back up now that we were all in her room. We're going to lower her crib to the lowest setting so maybe that'll keep her more secure and help me not worry about her jumping out. I ended up rocking the little stinker to sleep because Grandma and Daddy couldn't stand to hear her cry. I'll probably try again when me and Juliet go to Grandma Moffitt's house in a couple of weeks.


  1. Cute. She is getting so big. So you think your mom will let her cry it out?!

  2. No crying at my house. I'll pick her up and snuggle her faster than you can get to her. hahaha
