Wednesday, October 20, 2010


The other day Tim came home from work and decided to take a shower to get all the dirt and grease off and he wanted me to sit and talk to him. Instead, I was quietly filling up a cup of cold water to poor onto him :) It only got his back but I was already thinking of another prank to do to him in the shower. Since he gets up much earlier than I do, I figured I would have to wait for another evening shower to do it. But Tim told me that if I would wake up with him in the morning I could pull pranks on him and he wouldn't get mad :)

So last night Juliet finally started sleeping through the night again and I got a full 6 hours before waking myself up. I knew Tim's alarm would go off soon and then I could take over the whole bed, so I was just waiting for him to leave before going back to sleep. After quickly realizing that I wasn't going to be able to fall asleep I decided that this would be the perfect time to pull my prank! I quietly sneaked into the bathroom without Tim hearing me, and after hoping he was facing the back of the shower I quickly stuck my hand in and turned the hot water down. He didn't say anything so I put my hand in again and turned it all the way cold. I thought he saw me but he didn't know I was in there at all until the water got super cold. Then he said my name and of course I started laughing. He said that was a pretty good prank and then after I took a shower we had breakfast together :)

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