Monday, September 24, 2012

Juliet's First Prayer

We've helped Juliet say her prayers before but tonight she said it all by herself.  It was so pure and sweet that she made my eyes tear up. Here's a summary of what was said:

Heavenly Father, thankful for the day. Bless Grandma to be healthy (my mom's been having some health concerns). Bless Mommy, Daddy, Juliet, Grandmas, Grandpa's, Cousins, Uncles, Cooper, Nora, Chase, Abby. Thankful for colors. Thankful for crayons. Bless us good night. Jesus AMEN!

She likes to say amen! hahaha. We asked her if she wanted to say the prayer tonight and her answer was, "I will talk!" Then I asked her if she wanted mommy to help her or daddy to help her and she chose daddy.  But then she just started talking! We were so impressed that she wasn't shy or super quiet and even though she forgot a few things like cece and her aunts, she did such a good job! We love her so much and tonight was something I don't want to forget.